For dinner this evening, I had salmon and broccolini. The salmon was wild caught as it swam from ocean into river to spawn, to make more life.That happened in Alaska, if labels can be trusted. I’ve run out of friend-donated salmon so I can’t be 100% sure.

The broccolini, purchased late afternoon at Sav-U-More, looked OK in the store, and it was under $5 for the bunch.  I was wooed to buy it by the price (fresh anything out here is expensive). 

In the light of home, which is mighty bright, I saw that the broccolini had started to bloom. Somewhere, someone had bought up a crop that had pushed way past its prime. It was fixin’ to mate or whatever broccolini does to sustain life. 

Tonight, for my little dinner, I’ve consumed some of this hope. Makes me think, this little dinner.