JCP-Porch-Roswell-20130522This time last year, I was here in Georgia, with 12 days between here and there–there being Alaska. The year before, I was either here or just getting there, and the same thing for the past 12 or so years. Always this time of year, I’ve been just about there, or already there — Georgia to Alaska.

This time, when I get there, I’m back home, having lived through an entire year of Alaska seasons: cool green, cool gold, cold white, and cold gray, which right now is leaning again into cool green. The dark months went by in a flash, and I can’t attribute that to the light box that glowed on me while I worked at my computer in early morning hours. What kept my battery charged was more things to do that I could ever imagine, and all of it within minutes of my cozy apartment with its view of Kachemak Bay.

Three classes at Kenai Peninsula College — two of them on writing, and one of those the best I’ve ever had. Contra dancing. Concerts. Art exhibits. Reading. Writing. Tasty dinners cooked with and for family and friends. Swimming, Pilates, yoga, my grandson, walking on the beach, driving in snow (yep, I got a big kick out of that). Moose in the yard, walking down the street. Eagles. Sandhill cranes. Ravens patrolling the streets and beach. I’ll say it again: my grandson.

So I’m here now, here in Georgia, and this time has been good, too. Good times with my sister on her screened porch. Good times, not quite enough, with sweet friends. Good reports from doctors. Good enough navigation through traffic (good enough to get me safely in and out of the gridlock and on time to destinations).

Here and there, this time — now — is mighty good.

Copyright 2013-2014 Genie Hambrick